
G20 in Apollon, Panel Discussion, Jan 28, 2021

 Panel discussion 12: Final Group G20


Apollon candidate for the host country of G20 or not

< Before the discussion >

There is not so spreading the corona virus in Apollon.

◆Discussion members

Alex Mcadams / Unpopular singer  ✳︎Moderator

Jordan Nakasy / Tutor

Anna Plowman / high school student

Sora Swift / hair make up artist

Mia Williams / musician


< Jordan Nakasy >  For

     He agrees with this topic. He has two reasons. First, he thinks that we can lead other countries, and we could introduce our country, Apollon if G20 is held in Apollon. Furthermore, we could increase tourists. Second, it could be social study for Apollon’s students. Many people could have the interests for the summit, and they could know politics.

< Anna Plowman >  For

     She agrees with this topic. Because it is good for economy. If there is G20 in Apollon, many people know about Apollon, and we can hold some world wide events. The capital media would report our culture and nature. It is really attracting attention all over the world.

< Sora Swift >  Against

      She disagrees with this topic. She has three reasons. First, it could be the possibility to occur terrorism. It is dangerous, and we need any strong security systems. Island is narrow and difficult to keep safety. Second, there are a lot of trouble for inhabitants like noise and restriction for summit. She feels that it is difficult to convince citizens. Third, there is no place to do and only a little transportation.

< Mia Williams >  Neutral

     She is neutral for this topic. Because she didn’t know about G20 in detail. She feels that there are good and bad aspects. Therefore, she wants to consider which is better after listening the each sides opinions.

◆Questions from the audience

1. I think that it needs to good transportations for the safety and usefulness. However, there is not so many way to come, and in these situation, terrorism is a big problem. I want to ask more detail about security. (Pepper Gruber)

     Nakasy answered this question. He said that Japan is also island country, but there is no terrorism ever. So, he didn’t worry about that a lot, however, we need to prepare the countermeasures for terrorism. So, he prepare something for safety of Apollon.

2. Apollon’s security is not enough, but what exactly Apollon’s security level? How many police officer in Apollon? (Sow Lee)

     Sora and Anna answered this question. Sora said that frankly, she doesn’t know the clear number of police officer, however, she also doesn’t think the number is not enough. We need more stronger security.

     Anna said that she is also not sure how many police officer. She thinks that many prime ministers will come to Apollon, and when they come, they can bring guardians like SP.

3. There is a corona virus in the world, however, many people come to Apollon if G20 is held. What do you think about coming many people from other countries? (Qinglong Cai)

     Anna answered this question. She said that the summit will be held regardless of situation like you said, so we don’t worry about that.

4. I think that the local people may fell nervous about G20. Because it generates a warning of terrorism. What do you think about that? (Kingsley Maskerar)

     Anna answered this question. She said that we can limit the number of people like sightseeing, so only the people who engaged in summit can come in. After that, tourists can come in as usual.

5. You said that new facility will be build for G20, however, how can it use by citizens in usual? Or, it is a building just for G20? (Karen Arkin)

     Anna answered this question. She said that after the summit, the place is used for world wide events, and for citizens. There would be held some big events like G20.

6. It is not realistically about G20. However, it is important for Apollon. There are 5 groups in G20, which group the Apollon belongs to? (Robert Brown)

(Group 1: America, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia)

(Group 2: Russia, India, South Africa, Turkey)

(Group 3: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina)

(Group 4: England, France, Germany, Italy)

(Group 5: Japan, China, Korean, Indonesia)

     Alex answered this question. He said that Apollon is tropical island, so it is located in West Pacific and tropic. Apollon is in group 5.


They did not reach consensus.

< decision about Apollon >

The place of Apollon: West Pacific and tropic

The provisional position in G20: Group 5 (Japan, China, Korean, Indonesia)

Nakasy: stay agree

     He never changes his mind. 

Anna: stay agree

     She also thinks that she doesn’t change her mind. She thinks it is a big chance for Apollon.

Sora: stay disagree

     She thinks that we don’t have enough security systems, and it would be good if there are some good idea for security in detail. We need more discussion.

Mia: stay neutral

     She thinks that there are still many problems, so we need to discuss more.

◆My opinion

     I agree with this topic. I have two reasons. First, G20 is a chance to participate in world wide events. It has also dangerous aspects, however, it could be solved by many policemen and security system for entering Apollon. For example, physical inspection could be the early detection for terrorism. It detects not only weapon but also chemical one. It could be strong system, because there is not many entrance in Apollon. Second, it is easy for us not to join G20, however, we should try to join it for the future. We should protect Apollon, but also we need to think about something as a world problem. We are one of the world. Therefore, I think that we should be participate in G20. I also think that the disagree and neutral people said there is weaker security in Apollon, however, I want to know where is the weak point in detail. If we could know that, we can change the point stronger and we could make this topic more realizable.

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G20 in Apollon, Panel Discussion, Jan 28, 2021

  Panel discussion 12: Final Group G20 ◆Topic  Apollon candidate for the host country of G20 or not < Before the discussion > There is...