
Group C, Panel discussion, Oct 29, 2020

 Panel discussion 3: Group C


Instituting a skipping / repeating grade system in high school

◆Discussion members

Ethan Baird / F1 racer  ✳︎Moderator

Sow Lee / manager of the cafe and painter

Minnie White / dance practicing student

Scott Phillip / security guard

Kingsley Maskerar / mask craftsman


< Sow Lee >  ForFor

     He agrees with this idea. Because there is the people who don’t study harder can go up the grade. He thinks that we should study more harder and understand clearly. If the people who can’t understand the subjects well go up the grade, they can not understand the important point to live like world affairs or domestic situation.

< Kingsley Maskerar >  ForFor

     She agrees with this idea. She thinks that repeat the grade isn’t shame thing and everyone can do so. She said that everyone should understand the importance of repeating or skipping the grade. Because the person who study very well can go to the up stage and get any experiences, and if the person need to repeat, it’s a chance to understand more deeply.

< Scott Phillip >  NeutralFor

     He is neutral for this idea. He thinks that the skipping the grade needs sometimes, but we should think it more many aspects. He said that there is many disadvantages for children who decides to skip the grade suddenly. Also he said that if the person needs to repeating the grade, it gives us too stress to go to school.

< Minnie White >  AgainstFor

     She disagrees with this idea. She has opinion about the friends aspect. She said that her high school memories are made by many good friends and it was really important time for her. If there is the skip / repeat system, some people may be separated by that. It’s a sad thing and if I were so, I don’t want to go to school anymore. She thinks that the school festival or sport festival is important for students to make sociality and personality.

◆Questions within the group C 

1. Scott → Kingsley

Question     I think it is not good for children to change the environment rapidly because they are so delicate. I ask to agree people, it means the students lost time for class activity and school festival to skip the grade?

Answer     Kingsley thinks that time is important. However, she also thinks that if the children have disease or injure somewhere, they can repeat without the barrier. She feels that the chance skipping the grade is more important than friendships in high school.

2. Minnie → Sow

Question     How the children can skip or repeat the grade?

Answer     Sow said that children can choose which they skip the grade or not.

3. Sow → Minnie

Question    Children can choose which they skip the grade or not. Why do you disagree with this idea?

Answer     Minnie thinks this idea is not good because the person who is smart can teach other students who is not good at studying.

4. Minnie → Sow

Question     I think that if the children don’t to skip the grade, they can learn not only subjects but also human relationships and it will be helpful for the future and society. Skipping the grade means children go out the Apollon, how do you think about this?

Answer     Sow understand what Minnie said. However, he thinks go out the Apollon is the challenge to the high level study. If the child don’t want to go, they don’t have to go out. He thinks that it is the chance to go out.

5. Ethan → Minnie & Scott

Question     What is your best memory is your high school days?

Answer1     Minnie said that her best memory is her friendships in her dance club activity. At first, she couldn’t dance very well but she tried to do hardly with her friends and finally she could dance so good. Her personality is made by her best friends and they are all of her.

Answer2     Scott said that he has  some best friends, and his best memory is also club activity. He taught the skill and help each other. Especially, the club member tried to cooperate and win, he thinks that it’s the important thing in his life.

◆Questions from the audience

1. Which college accepts the students who skip the grade? (Mia Williams)

     Sow answered this question. He said that we think about only within the high school, so we don’t consider the point of view.

2. Can the children already skip or repeat the grade now? (Jane Fisher)

    Jane said that by now the children can skip or not, can they do that? (Robert Brown)

     Sow answered this question. He said there is no system like this.

3. Minnie said that sociality and personality is made in high school, but there are some people who don’t go to high school. However, I think they also have sociality. What do you think about that? (Pepper Gruber)

     Minnie answered this question. Although she said so, but she means the study includes junior high school. She thinks friendships are really important when children is young.

4. If the children choose to skip or repeat the grade, I think that it costs so much money. What do you think about that? (Lily Swan)

     Sow answered this question. It’s real and difficult question. He thinks there are some people who can’t skip or repeat, however he thinks about the existence of chance mainly. So, he said as answer, the children’s family or government will give the supports.

5. I think we can make friends not only in high school but also any other place. How do you think about that? (Spenser Donald)

     Minnie answered this question. She thinks it’s good idea. She realized we can make some friends in any places.

6. Can only 1st or 2nd grade students use the system? I mean 3rd grade students need to graduate the high school. (Sora Swift)

     Sow answered this question. All of high school students can use the system. But he don’t know which college can accept them. It’s decided by educational organization.

7. Why do you think the system is need? What is the problem if there is no system like this? (Robert Brown)

     Sow answered this question, first. He has a friend who cannot understand politics or science fully. He want to change the situation that the children who can not understand something well after growing up.

     Kingsley also answered this question. She is worry that there are some students who don’t have enough  understand and graduate without enough knowledge. If there is the repeat system, they can study more.


They reached consensus.

Minnie: Change to agree

    At last, she can realize that student can make friends and wonderful memories without high school.

Scott: Change to agree

    By hearing the audience opinions, he changed his mind.

Sow: stay agree

    He thinks we can learn everywhere.

Kingsley: stay agree

    She can recognize the importance of friends.

◆My opinion

     I think this idea is good. Because the children can use time effectively. Furthermore, the children can choose which they skip or not. I feel it’s really good opportunity for children to experience some kinds of world. However, I’m worry about cost to skip or repeat. If the children go to school, they should pay the money like tuition fee. It may be high cost, when the child said go to college out of Apollon. I think that if there is the money support, it becomes more good system.


Group B, Panel Discussion, October 22, 2020

 Panel discussion 2: Group B


To shut down outward and inward traffic to Apollon due to the Global Pandemic

◆Discussion members

Anna Plowman / high school student ✳︎Moderator

Pepper Gruber / a struggling actor

Gon Auden / storekeeper of bar

Sora Swift / hair make up artist

Mia Williams / musician


< Pepper Gruber >  Against

     She disagrees with this idea. Because her job is mainly overseas. If there is restriction, she can’t work. In addition, Apollon make a living by tourism, so she thinks that many people who live in Apollon can’t keep their lives, if the restriction is decided. She also thinks that, perhaps, there may happen the discrimination by the excessively distinction. She supposes we can’t get any informations and the relationships with other countries will go bad, if there is the restriction.

< Gon Auden >  Against

     He disagrees with this idea. He works at the bar which main customers are tourists, so he wants to keep open the Apollon’s entrance. A few number of inhabitants come to his bar, and he imports some foods, alcohols and wines, so he needs to open the port from abroad and he can’t keep his employee’s income as ordinary situation’s one.

< Sora Swift >  For

     She agrees with this idea. She has three reasons. First, the number of her family is nine and it includes her grandparents. She thinks that elderly people is more danger to infect the virus than younger. Second, her job is an assistant of hair make-up artist, and her customers are tourists, so the restriction may not be her harmful thing. Third, she supposes the COVID-19 is spread quickly, if the virus come to our island. Therefore, she thinks that we should do the restriction now.

< Mia Williams >  For

     She agrees with this idea. She comes from New York, and she saw many miserable situations at there. By now, many people is dead by the virus, and there is no infected people In Apollon. She supposes if the entrance of Apollon is open to overseas, the virus may come and many people who live in Apollon will be died. However, she thinks that the import of foods or calling doctors is a necessary part to correspond to the virus. She approves that not tourists, but products or people which we really need to come.

◆Questions from the audience

1. Who will prepare the sanitizers like masks and antiseptic solution all over the Apollon? (Chipp White, me)

     Gon answered this question. He thinks the government of Apollon will do.

2. What will Gon take measures at your bar, if the entrance of Apollon keeps open? (Lily Swan)

     Gon answered this question. He will be thorough to put on a mask each person, and he installs Skelton shields in each seat to prevent spreading the virus.

3. How long do you think about shut down, and how the restriction will be done? (Spenser Donald)

     Mia answered this question. She supposes the span of restriction is a year, and she will allow to come the things which we really need.

4. What support do you need to allow the restriction? (Alex Mcadams)

     Pepper answered this question. She said that it is money. The point of Apollon’s source of income is tourist, so she said that we shouldn’t close Apollon’s entrance.

5. Today is October 22, 2020. But, Apollon don’t shut down the entrance. Why we should shut down now? (Robert Brown)

     Sora and Mia answered this question. Sora said that there are many people who is already infected overseas, and she feels it is scared. So, she thinks that it makes sense to restrict the going in and out now. Mia said that it’s miracle that no one is infected until now. So, she thinks that to protect Apollon’s future, we need to restrict now.

6. People who live in Apollon make a living by tourism so, we can’t keep our lives if we do the restriction. What does Mira think about that point? (Robert Brown)

     Mia answered this question. Even though we can’t keep our lives, the virus is dangerous. She also thinks that it is the chance to carry out the production and consumption of local foods. She thinks the restriction is not completely one, but flexible one which we import the things we need.


They can’t reach the consensus.

Their compromise point is that not completely shut down, but import something that we really need.

However, there is still a conflict point.

・Sora and Mia → Not to allow to enter the tourists, but important people like a doctor can enter with the above condition.

・Pepper and Gon → Allow to enter the tourists with the above condition.

◆My opinion

     I think that we should do flexible shut down, import something that we really need, and allow to enter the tourists. Because Apollon is a tourist country and it is really important to keep everyone’s life. Although the virus is danger, we should live and overcome the virus. Therefore, we need to allow the tourists, but take measures to the virus completely.


Group A, Panel discussion, October 15, 2020

Panel discussion 1: Group A


To build a ‘Study Cafe’ underground includes a study space and a free space

◆Discussion members

Davis Shan / High school teacher  ✳︎Moderator

Lily Swan / University student

Alex Mcadams / Unpopular singer

Chipp White (me) / Vet

Jane Fisher / Supermarket clerk


< Lily Swan > ForNeutral

     She agree with this idea. Because she can’t concentrate to study at home, and the cafe opens late night. She can use the cafe to study and she can eat something when she wants to eat. She thinks the cafe don’t need to build underground. Because it’s danger and the Apollon’s landscape is very beautiful. So, she thinks if the cafe is  build by natural resources like trees or flowers, the landscape won’t disturbed by the cafe.

< Alex Mcadams > ForFor

     She agree with this idea. She is an unpopular singer, so she wants to use the place to make some songs or lyrics eating or drinking something. She doesn’t like sunshine, so it is good for her to build it underground. She needs the space to focus on her songs. She thinks if the supermarket give some discount tickets of the cafe, it’s good for the supermarket and the cafe to gather customers.

< Chipp White > (me) NeutralAgainst

     I am neutral for this idea. Because if there is the cafe, I can use there for teaching Apollon’s animals. It may gather people like tourists and inhabitants, and I think we can talk about interesting points of animals at the cafe. On this point, I feel it it good to build the cafe. However, underground is a little dangerous, because Apollon is surrounded by the sea, and if a disaster occurs, it is difficult for the people to escape. Furthermore, if the cafe is built, it takes a lot of cost. I thought it’s hard thing. 

< Jane Fisher > AgainstNeutral

     She disagree with this idea. Because she is a supermarket clerk, and she is afraid of stealing the customer from her store by the cafe. She sell the coffee beans and coffee. She don’t want to build the cafe under the supermarket, because it may be disturbing the selling some products. It is difficult to admit the customers go away. She thinks the cafe is good, but she annoys about decreasing the earnings.

◆Questions from the audience

1. Why the cafe is built underground? (John Smith)

     Alex answered this question. She thinks the cafe will disturb the landscape of Apollon. So, to protect the beautiful view, we decided to build the cafe underground.

2. How does Chipp do the introduction of animals? (Spenser Donald)

     I answered this question. I will introduce about the typical animals of Apollon by the pictures or screen. So, I don’t bring some animals into the cafe. If I want to teach some animals with touching them, I will take people outside and give actual experiences.

3. How long do you think that the cafe runs business period? (Kingsley Maskerar)

     Alex answered this question. She thinks that it is forever. She also said that we don’t think about the span of running the cafe. 

4. Why do Jane think that to ulcer the cafe is not good? (Anna Plowman)

     Jane answered this question. If the cafe is built near the supermarket, she thinks it will be disturb the supermarket management.

5. I think the Apollon’s landscape is beautiful, so I think the cafe should build above the ground. How do Lily think about that? (Sora Swift)

     Lily answered this question. She thinks Sora’s idea is good. And she also thinks it will gather more tourists who want to see the beautiful view.

6. Who runs the cafe? (Robert Brown)

     Alex answered the question. She said that we don’t think about that. However, she is an unpopular singer, so she has few times and she can run the cafe. She also gather the money to build the cafe by cloud funding at Apollon. She just started her YouTube channel which has only three subscribers, but she can advertise this funding by herself. So, she will do that.

7. There is no university, so how do you go to the university, Lily? (Robert Brown)

     Lily answered this question. She use online to take some classes at Apollon. She also goes to another island’s university. 


We can’t reach the consensus. If Alex become famous, the cafe will be built.

◆My opinion

     At first, I think it is good to build the cafe at Apollon, but finally, I think it’s not good. Because, it takes too much cost to build underground and it may be hard to gather the money by cloud funding. There is not many advantages for building the cafe, and not many user in Apollon. I think there is no need definitely to build it. So, I disagree with this idea.

G20 in Apollon, Panel Discussion, Jan 28, 2021

  Panel discussion 12: Final Group G20 ◆Topic  Apollon candidate for the host country of G20 or not < Before the discussion > There is...