
Group B, Panel Discussion, October 22, 2020

 Panel discussion 2: Group B


To shut down outward and inward traffic to Apollon due to the Global Pandemic

◆Discussion members

Anna Plowman / high school student ✳︎Moderator

Pepper Gruber / a struggling actor

Gon Auden / storekeeper of bar

Sora Swift / hair make up artist

Mia Williams / musician


< Pepper Gruber >  Against

     She disagrees with this idea. Because her job is mainly overseas. If there is restriction, she can’t work. In addition, Apollon make a living by tourism, so she thinks that many people who live in Apollon can’t keep their lives, if the restriction is decided. She also thinks that, perhaps, there may happen the discrimination by the excessively distinction. She supposes we can’t get any informations and the relationships with other countries will go bad, if there is the restriction.

< Gon Auden >  Against

     He disagrees with this idea. He works at the bar which main customers are tourists, so he wants to keep open the Apollon’s entrance. A few number of inhabitants come to his bar, and he imports some foods, alcohols and wines, so he needs to open the port from abroad and he can’t keep his employee’s income as ordinary situation’s one.

< Sora Swift >  For

     She agrees with this idea. She has three reasons. First, the number of her family is nine and it includes her grandparents. She thinks that elderly people is more danger to infect the virus than younger. Second, her job is an assistant of hair make-up artist, and her customers are tourists, so the restriction may not be her harmful thing. Third, she supposes the COVID-19 is spread quickly, if the virus come to our island. Therefore, she thinks that we should do the restriction now.

< Mia Williams >  For

     She agrees with this idea. She comes from New York, and she saw many miserable situations at there. By now, many people is dead by the virus, and there is no infected people In Apollon. She supposes if the entrance of Apollon is open to overseas, the virus may come and many people who live in Apollon will be died. However, she thinks that the import of foods or calling doctors is a necessary part to correspond to the virus. She approves that not tourists, but products or people which we really need to come.

◆Questions from the audience

1. Who will prepare the sanitizers like masks and antiseptic solution all over the Apollon? (Chipp White, me)

     Gon answered this question. He thinks the government of Apollon will do.

2. What will Gon take measures at your bar, if the entrance of Apollon keeps open? (Lily Swan)

     Gon answered this question. He will be thorough to put on a mask each person, and he installs Skelton shields in each seat to prevent spreading the virus.

3. How long do you think about shut down, and how the restriction will be done? (Spenser Donald)

     Mia answered this question. She supposes the span of restriction is a year, and she will allow to come the things which we really need.

4. What support do you need to allow the restriction? (Alex Mcadams)

     Pepper answered this question. She said that it is money. The point of Apollon’s source of income is tourist, so she said that we shouldn’t close Apollon’s entrance.

5. Today is October 22, 2020. But, Apollon don’t shut down the entrance. Why we should shut down now? (Robert Brown)

     Sora and Mia answered this question. Sora said that there are many people who is already infected overseas, and she feels it is scared. So, she thinks that it makes sense to restrict the going in and out now. Mia said that it’s miracle that no one is infected until now. So, she thinks that to protect Apollon’s future, we need to restrict now.

6. People who live in Apollon make a living by tourism so, we can’t keep our lives if we do the restriction. What does Mira think about that point? (Robert Brown)

     Mia answered this question. Even though we can’t keep our lives, the virus is dangerous. She also thinks that it is the chance to carry out the production and consumption of local foods. She thinks the restriction is not completely one, but flexible one which we import the things we need.


They can’t reach the consensus.

Their compromise point is that not completely shut down, but import something that we really need.

However, there is still a conflict point.

・Sora and Mia → Not to allow to enter the tourists, but important people like a doctor can enter with the above condition.

・Pepper and Gon → Allow to enter the tourists with the above condition.

◆My opinion

     I think that we should do flexible shut down, import something that we really need, and allow to enter the tourists. Because Apollon is a tourist country and it is really important to keep everyone’s life. Although the virus is danger, we should live and overcome the virus. Therefore, we need to allow the tourists, but take measures to the virus completely.

1 件のコメント:

Yuki's Sugar Blog さんのコメント...

Hi Chip, I 'm Alex. I had a fun time to talk about the discussion. I'm looking forward to talking about group c's topic with you.

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