
Group D, Panel Discussion, Dec 17, 2020

 Panel discussion 9: Group D (second time)


We will make a cleaning day every Sunday morning!!

◆Discussion members

Spenser Donald / architecture  ✳︎Moderator

Qinglong Cai / a pharmacist

Matilda Sugino / famous singer’s agent

Karen Arkin / clerk of CD shop

Julia Adams / career woman


< Qinglong Cai >  ForFor

     He agrees with this idea. He has three reasons. First, to clean the Apollon is good for Apollon. It can be kept the scenery of nature. Second, it will be the chance to communicate with each neighbors. They can know each other well. Third, it will be the protection of animals in Apollon. Therefore, he agrees with this topic.

< Matilda Sugino >  ForFor

     She agrees with this idea. She has two reasons. First, Apollon’s main industry is tourism. If there is dirty in Apollon, no one come here once again. It would be the opportunity to attract many tourists. Second, social contribution activity is good for not only industry but also environment in Apollon. Therefore, she agrees with this topic.

< Karen Arkin >  NeutralFor

     She is neutral for this idea. Because she thinks that it is a good activity to communicate each other. However, she can not understand why do we need to do clean activity. Because Apollon is already clean at all. Therefore, she is neutral for this topic.

< Julia Adams >  AgainstFor

     She disagrees with this idea. She has three reasons. First, she thinks that it is difficult to keep the number of people who are joining to this event. They have some works like housework and tasks. Second, it takes cost to clean the Apollon. It needs to prepare the tools to clean, and she can’t imagine where the money comes from. Third, she don’t have any friends near her house, so it’s lonely and she doesn’t want to join this events. Therefore, she disagrees with this idea.

◆Questions from the audience

1. Matilda said that you invite the famous artists, but it doesn’t connect with the cleaning seriously. It’s a unnecessary thing. What do you think about? (Mia Williams)

     Matilda  answered this question. She thinks if we give the ticket to the people who want to meet the famous singer. They can meet artists. It attracts many people and we can make Apollon more clean. We will separate the time to clean from meeting artists.

2. What is the benefit for the artists to join the event? (Mia Williams)

     Matilda answered this question. She thinks they want to clean the Apollon without income. So, there is no problem of the income.

3. How will we clean? Picking up? Or sweeping? (Theodore Symons)

     Qinglong answered this question. Hw said that he thinks we do anything with the way they want to clean.

4. How old people can participate for this event? (Ethan Baird)

     Qinglong answered this question. He thinks under 6 years old, and they need to be with their parent.

5. Under 6years old people would hurt themselves even if they are with their parent? (Ethan Baird)

     Qinglong answered this question. He said maybe it’s not problem. Because there are some adults who is neighbor. In addition to this, we need only one people from one family, so it’s not matter.

6. When it rains, we can’t clean outdoor and also communicate with neighbors. Then the events would be canceled? And how do we know the cancel? (Scott Philip)

     Qinglong answered this question. He said if it’s so, we postpone it next week’s Sunday. And we tell it to residents by the broadcast systems until the day before the cleaning day.

7. I think there are some people who can’t participate like Julia. So, I suggest that Apollon’s cleaning service. What do you think about that? (Minnie White)

     Matilda and Qinglong answered this question. Matilda said that it costs a lot, and it doesn’t make connections with neighbors. So, she thinks it’s good idea but she can’t agree with this suggestion.

     Qinglong said he thinks it is the meaning to clean by themselves where they live.

8. Qinglong said that there is a penalty when there are the people who don’t come to the event. But I’m worry about the problem due to the penalty. Their life style is person to person. So, you should consider about the person who can’t participate. What do you think about that? (Sow Lee)

     Qinglong answered this question. He said the penalty is for the person who don’t have reason not to come. 

9. Julia said that she can’t participate at night. But you said that you works at midnight when you discuss about the 24h convenience store. What is this? (Jordan Nakasy)

     Julia answered this question. She have to work Saturday at midnight. But Sunday’s evening time is holiday. She is very busy every day.

10. You divide three area, but at first we clean everywhere in Apollon. How do you clean the wild place? (Robert Brown)

     Spenser answered this question. He said that we add only three city, so we clean the all of Apollon.


They did not reach consensus.

There is already ‘Sunflower clean day’. And they need to discuss more about detail of clean day’s plan, and place out of city.

At this discussion, they decided the time and area of clean each time.

[Time] 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening, and once a three month.

   We can choose the time which they join.

[Area] Apo city, Sunnyville, Portlandry

   We clean the area where we live.

Qinglong: stay agree

Matilda: stay agree

She felt that final plan is good.

Karen: change to agree 

She thinks that this is low cost and it could be the communication place. It could make tourism to be active.

Julia: change to agree

Detail is changed, so she could participate easily. And she can understand the aspect of cost.

◆My opinion

     I agree with this topic. I have two reasons. First, if there is a two time plan, which is in the morning and in the evening, many people can participate easier than before. There are a lot of people and they have each daily lives, so it’s kindly for anyone. Second, clean day is good idea, and it would be more good if there is the place separated by times. I think that to decide the detail of the clean day makes our life richer and efficiently. Therefore I agree with this topic.


Group C, Panel Discussion, Dec 10, 2020

 Panel discussion 8: Group C (second time)


Creating a new department of study in high school

◆Discussion members

Scott Phillip / security guard  ✳︎Moderator

Kingsley Maskerar / mask craftsman

Minnie White / dance practicing student

Sow Lee / manager of the cafe and painter

Ethan Baird / F1 racer


< Kingsley Maskerar >  ForFor

     She agrees with this idea. She has three reasons. First, Apollon’s main industry is agriculture, so if there is an agriculture department, it will be advantage for the student and for the future. Second, if there is a specific department, the students and professional people can connect in earlier time. It is also advantage. Third, the many people can work well in families states. From these reasons, she agrees.

< Minnie White >  ForFor

     She agrees with this idea. She has two reasons. First, she thinks that if there is a specific department, many students can have choices. It is good for the students. Second, if there is a specific department, many students may want to go to university. Even if they won’t go university, it is useful for the future. From these reasons, she agrees with this idea.

< Sow Lee >  NeutralFor

     He is neutral for this idea. Because she thinks that some significant department is no need in Apollon. Some people may need to special skills in the agriculture side or the fishing insiders side. However, for only three years, the students couldn’t get enough knowledges and skills. The high school days are limited, so they haven’t much time to study specific subjects while they study ordinary subjects. He thinks that it has less meaning of this idea.

< Ethan Baird >  AgainstFor

     He disagrees with this idea. He has two reasons. First, he thinks if the students want to change the course after graduation, they need to do more struggle to study. He thinks that the ordinary course is more changeable than the specific one. Second, if the students don’t decide their future, they can’t decide take the specific course or not. It is good for students after graduate from ordinary course, and they can see  their future more various way.

◆Questions from the audience

1. Could you say your reason why you disagree with this topic more clearly and easy English? (Chipp White, me)

     Ethan answered this question. He said that if the students want to change the course, they need to study more struggle. And he also said that if the students don’t decide the future, they can decide more various points of view after graduating from ordinary department.

2. To agree side, what stage do you expect in grade? (Mia Williams)

     Minnie answered this question. She said that it’ll on the high school.

3. How many students will enter the specialized course? (Mia Williams)

     Minnie and Kingsley answered this question. Minnie said that if there is no people, it doesn’t have mean to create, however, it won’t happen because Apollon is agriculture and tourism country.

     Kingsley said that the high school will advertise that effectively. So some student want to go to specialized department. So, she thinks that some students will be come.

4. In Apollon, there is developing the agriculture, however, if the student can’t learn about ordinary subjects, will their future become to limit? (Mia Williams)

     Kingsley answered this question. She thinks that it’s important not to limit to student’s future, but she thinks it’s also important to upbringing their agriculture possibility. If the student don’ want to do, they can choose not to go specific department. So, it won’t be so.

5. What department will be need, which you can change to agree? And if there is support to change the course, it will be fine, isn’t it? (Davis Shan)

     Ethan answered this question. He said for the first question, to creat commercialized department, he can agree with this idea. He also said that they couldn’t change their department. If they change, it’s only college not in high school. They are some disadvantages, so it’s not good.

6. If they get enough time to study ordinary subjects, it’s good to create a new department? (Alex Mcadams)

     Sow answered this question. He said that if the student go to the food school, almost subjects are food science and biological. They have to cook while class. So, the specialized department will be disturb the ordinary subjects a little.

7. If a new department created, cut down the number of normal department student? I think if you don’t do, you need control the number of student.(Sora Swift)

     Minnie answered this question. She said that we’ll make new facility when we create a new department.

8. Specialized student would pay more money than the ordinary students? Or, they can take the specialized class without supplemental tuition fee? (Alex Mcadams)

     Minnie answered this question. She said that they needs more money but they are able to take special class.

9. They need more than three years to graduate? Or they need more time? (Alex Mcadams)

     Minnie answered this question. They learn less ordinary subjects and take some specialized subjects, so they would graduate for three years.

10. How many department do you want to create? I think you will be annoyed to decide the number of department. (Bob Johnson)

     Kingsley and Minnie answered this question. Kingsley said that some number of regular class. But it’s not related this topic, she thinks.

     Minnie said that it’s not topic of discussion to decide how many or what’s the number of department. 

11. Could they decide skip or not to go to specific department? (Sora Swift)

     Sow answered this question. He said that last time we discussed the skip or not, but we didn’t reach consensus. So, we decide the system after creating.

12. If there are no student to come, the money won’t gather. Then, it takes much cost from small students’ tuition fee. Will you quit the specific teacher like these situation? (John Smith)

     Minnie answered this question. She said that we didn’t honk about that. So, we’ll discuss this topic after creating.

13. Ethan said that if there is a commercial department, he will agree with this topic. What do you think about that? (Alex Mcadams)

     Kingsley answered this question. She said that it’s a one example form him, so he doesn’t think it’s relate on this topic.

14. But to consensus, Ethan’s opinion is important. What do you think about that, Sow? (Alex Mcadams)

     Sow answered this question.he said that he also want to fisheries department or like various department. If there is many department, It would be good.


They don’t reach consensus.

Their opinions are merged, however, there are some points which we need to discuss.

Kingsley: stay Agree

     She thinks it’s good opportunity for students.

Minnie: stay Agree

     She thinks this topic have some demerits, however, if there is many department, there are more advantage.

Sow: change to Agree

     He agree this topic, if we can create commercial or fisher or sightseeing department. Because there are some advantage.

Ethan: change to Agree

     He agree this topic because specialized knowledge would be benefit more than ordinary department.

◆My opinion

     I agree with this topic. I have two reasons. First, if there are specialized department, the student who want to study deeper can have choices more than before. And if they don’t want to take the class, they can also choose the ordinary class. So, I think that it’s good system for students. Second, it takes cost at first, however, they can learn Apollon’s industry in Apollon. It is also good to go to other country’s university. But, most of student work in Apollon in the future, so, it’s more effectively and meaningful to study in Apollon than other country. Therefore, I agree with this topic.


Group B, Panel Discussion, Dec 3, 2020

 Panel Discussion 7: Group B (second time)


Starting aquaculture industry

◆Discussion members

Pepper Gruber / a struggling actor  ✳︎Moderator

Sora Swift / hair make up artist

Mia Williams / musician

Anna Plowman / high school student

Gon Auden / storekeeper of bar


< Sora Swift >  AgainstFor

     She disagrees with this idea. Because the dropping from fish feeds can cause sea pollution. In addition this, natural fish will decrease by starting aquaculture industry. There are many bad points, so she disagrees with this idea.

< Mia Williams >  AgainstFor

     She disagrees with this idea. Because fish farming is not good for our natural. And also, her uncle is fisherman and he said that food consumption in Apollon is sufficient, so it’s not good for Apollon’s environment and economy.

< Anna Plowman >  ForFor

     She agrees with this idea. Because this idea is promoted by her. And there are also some reasons. She want to develop fishing industry using rich sea environment as a student. It’s important to make our lives better, and if the plan goes well, she thinks we may be able to enrich our life.

< Gon Auden >  ForFor

     He agrees with this idea. Because demand of fish is growing world wide and human population is also increasing. Natural fish is limited, but farming fish can increase permanently. It will be good for Apollon and its environment.

◆Questions from the audience

1. I think the reason to improve agriculture is not enough. It’s too expensive to make tablets and process foods. So, I suggest that we should research now how profit by industry and submit the report. What do you think about that? And to borrow the money, what are you going to do? (Alex Mcadams)

     Anna answered this question. Yes, it’s expensive. So, she thinks that we can borrow money from government, country and it’ll support industry. And thank you for your suggestion. I will do that when I start the industry. I think there need to many steps. At first, to promote fishing society and government, our idea will make our country good, and consider good way to archive.

2. Mia said that the amount of catch is increase but there is already sufficient. However, I think demand is also goes up. What do you think about that? (Ethan Baird)

     Mia answered this question. She said that Apollon’s population is small, so she thinks the demand will not increase significantly.

3. I think there is already fishermen in Apollon. How do you explain your industry? You would do fish farming by yourself? (Ethan Baird)

     Anna answered this question. She said that now fishing industry will accept it, and I like fishing so I want to try it, and I can persuade them. Also, increasing opportunity to work is good. And I would do fish arming industry and employ other people.

4. We may get more profit, but it’s cheaper than natural fish. Do you think you can make profit? (Theodore Symons)

     Anna and Gon answered this question. Anna said that we can sell them a little bit higher price because of the cheaper price. There are demand to people who want to fish. We can gave fish to many people.

     Gon said that increasing health consciousness, and we want to be healthy. So, increasing population around the world. The demand of fish will increase and we can get enough profit, he thinks.

5. You said you would make process fish, but you will make factory? It’s expensive and you will get support from the government?(Davis Shan)

     Anna answered this question. She said that she thinks there are already factory because Apollon is a fisher island, so I will use the factory that is already in Apollon now.

6. I think there are some possibility to occur disaster. What do you take measure? (Jordan Nakasy)

     Anna answered this question. She said we can fix as it was in each time. And natural disaster is common problem, so she thinks we need to some preparation if the disaster come as same as other county do.

7. I don’t see any compromise. There are some solutions from agree side, are you satisfied the opponents’ opinion?(Robert Brown)

     Sora and Mia answered this question. Sora said that she can understand the opinion and agree the idea. 

     Mia said that at first, she was worried about the pollution, but solutions are clear. So, I think there is problems but the industry will be good for Apollon.

8. Coral leaves are really delicate. If the acidity level goes up, coal leaves will be soon die, so I’m worry about the their death by your industry. I think you should do that outside the leaves. Where do you proposed your farm?(Robert Brown)

     Gon answered this question. He said that maybe sea shore. If we don’t pollute the sea, the coral leaves can live. He searched aqua stewardship council. If we can make the rule that we don’t pollute the sea, it’s good to do that.


They can’t reach the consensus.

Their opinions are merged, but there are some issues that we need to discuss.

Sora: change to agree

     She said that she loves the sea, so she was worried about the bad effect for the sea. However, through the discussion, we have clear solution. So, now she thinks it’s good idea to develop sea industry.

Mia: change to agree

     She said that there is still many problems but our environment can be saved and test will be held to profitable or not to do the idea. So, if the test is held, she agrees with this idea.

Anna: keep agree

     She said that to do this project has many profit but issues are there, so she thinks she will work hard and keep considering good way to nature.

Gon: keep agree

◆My opinion

     I think this idea is good. But they should decide the place first. Because we have rich nature, we are tourism country, and the people who will live near there may need prepare for accepting like the noise during farming. At the point of economy, there is not so many problems without the cost to start. However, at the point of nature, there are many problems. First, we should take care of fish and coral leaves which we have now. Although it is difficult to keep nature richer and grow the profit, I think it’s a big point to be able to do or not. So, if there is clearly plan to keep nature, I agree with this idea and many people also agree with this idea.

G20 in Apollon, Panel Discussion, Jan 28, 2021

  Panel discussion 12: Final Group G20 ◆Topic  Apollon candidate for the host country of G20 or not < Before the discussion > There is...