
Group B, Panel Discussion, Dec 3, 2020

 Panel Discussion 7: Group B (second time)


Starting aquaculture industry

◆Discussion members

Pepper Gruber / a struggling actor  ✳︎Moderator

Sora Swift / hair make up artist

Mia Williams / musician

Anna Plowman / high school student

Gon Auden / storekeeper of bar


< Sora Swift >  AgainstFor

     She disagrees with this idea. Because the dropping from fish feeds can cause sea pollution. In addition this, natural fish will decrease by starting aquaculture industry. There are many bad points, so she disagrees with this idea.

< Mia Williams >  AgainstFor

     She disagrees with this idea. Because fish farming is not good for our natural. And also, her uncle is fisherman and he said that food consumption in Apollon is sufficient, so it’s not good for Apollon’s environment and economy.

< Anna Plowman >  ForFor

     She agrees with this idea. Because this idea is promoted by her. And there are also some reasons. She want to develop fishing industry using rich sea environment as a student. It’s important to make our lives better, and if the plan goes well, she thinks we may be able to enrich our life.

< Gon Auden >  ForFor

     He agrees with this idea. Because demand of fish is growing world wide and human population is also increasing. Natural fish is limited, but farming fish can increase permanently. It will be good for Apollon and its environment.

◆Questions from the audience

1. I think the reason to improve agriculture is not enough. It’s too expensive to make tablets and process foods. So, I suggest that we should research now how profit by industry and submit the report. What do you think about that? And to borrow the money, what are you going to do? (Alex Mcadams)

     Anna answered this question. Yes, it’s expensive. So, she thinks that we can borrow money from government, country and it’ll support industry. And thank you for your suggestion. I will do that when I start the industry. I think there need to many steps. At first, to promote fishing society and government, our idea will make our country good, and consider good way to archive.

2. Mia said that the amount of catch is increase but there is already sufficient. However, I think demand is also goes up. What do you think about that? (Ethan Baird)

     Mia answered this question. She said that Apollon’s population is small, so she thinks the demand will not increase significantly.

3. I think there is already fishermen in Apollon. How do you explain your industry? You would do fish farming by yourself? (Ethan Baird)

     Anna answered this question. She said that now fishing industry will accept it, and I like fishing so I want to try it, and I can persuade them. Also, increasing opportunity to work is good. And I would do fish arming industry and employ other people.

4. We may get more profit, but it’s cheaper than natural fish. Do you think you can make profit? (Theodore Symons)

     Anna and Gon answered this question. Anna said that we can sell them a little bit higher price because of the cheaper price. There are demand to people who want to fish. We can gave fish to many people.

     Gon said that increasing health consciousness, and we want to be healthy. So, increasing population around the world. The demand of fish will increase and we can get enough profit, he thinks.

5. You said you would make process fish, but you will make factory? It’s expensive and you will get support from the government?(Davis Shan)

     Anna answered this question. She said that she thinks there are already factory because Apollon is a fisher island, so I will use the factory that is already in Apollon now.

6. I think there are some possibility to occur disaster. What do you take measure? (Jordan Nakasy)

     Anna answered this question. She said we can fix as it was in each time. And natural disaster is common problem, so she thinks we need to some preparation if the disaster come as same as other county do.

7. I don’t see any compromise. There are some solutions from agree side, are you satisfied the opponents’ opinion?(Robert Brown)

     Sora and Mia answered this question. Sora said that she can understand the opinion and agree the idea. 

     Mia said that at first, she was worried about the pollution, but solutions are clear. So, I think there is problems but the industry will be good for Apollon.

8. Coral leaves are really delicate. If the acidity level goes up, coal leaves will be soon die, so I’m worry about the their death by your industry. I think you should do that outside the leaves. Where do you proposed your farm?(Robert Brown)

     Gon answered this question. He said that maybe sea shore. If we don’t pollute the sea, the coral leaves can live. He searched aqua stewardship council. If we can make the rule that we don’t pollute the sea, it’s good to do that.


They can’t reach the consensus.

Their opinions are merged, but there are some issues that we need to discuss.

Sora: change to agree

     She said that she loves the sea, so she was worried about the bad effect for the sea. However, through the discussion, we have clear solution. So, now she thinks it’s good idea to develop sea industry.

Mia: change to agree

     She said that there is still many problems but our environment can be saved and test will be held to profitable or not to do the idea. So, if the test is held, she agrees with this idea.

Anna: keep agree

     She said that to do this project has many profit but issues are there, so she thinks she will work hard and keep considering good way to nature.

Gon: keep agree

◆My opinion

     I think this idea is good. But they should decide the place first. Because we have rich nature, we are tourism country, and the people who will live near there may need prepare for accepting like the noise during farming. At the point of economy, there is not so many problems without the cost to start. However, at the point of nature, there are many problems. First, we should take care of fish and coral leaves which we have now. Although it is difficult to keep nature richer and grow the profit, I think it’s a big point to be able to do or not. So, if there is clearly plan to keep nature, I agree with this idea and many people also agree with this idea.

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