
G20 in Apollon, Panel Discussion, Jan 28, 2021

 Panel discussion 12: Final Group G20


Apollon candidate for the host country of G20 or not

< Before the discussion >

There is not so spreading the corona virus in Apollon.

◆Discussion members

Alex Mcadams / Unpopular singer  ✳︎Moderator

Jordan Nakasy / Tutor

Anna Plowman / high school student

Sora Swift / hair make up artist

Mia Williams / musician


< Jordan Nakasy >  For

     He agrees with this topic. He has two reasons. First, he thinks that we can lead other countries, and we could introduce our country, Apollon if G20 is held in Apollon. Furthermore, we could increase tourists. Second, it could be social study for Apollon’s students. Many people could have the interests for the summit, and they could know politics.

< Anna Plowman >  For

     She agrees with this topic. Because it is good for economy. If there is G20 in Apollon, many people know about Apollon, and we can hold some world wide events. The capital media would report our culture and nature. It is really attracting attention all over the world.

< Sora Swift >  Against

      She disagrees with this topic. She has three reasons. First, it could be the possibility to occur terrorism. It is dangerous, and we need any strong security systems. Island is narrow and difficult to keep safety. Second, there are a lot of trouble for inhabitants like noise and restriction for summit. She feels that it is difficult to convince citizens. Third, there is no place to do and only a little transportation.

< Mia Williams >  Neutral

     She is neutral for this topic. Because she didn’t know about G20 in detail. She feels that there are good and bad aspects. Therefore, she wants to consider which is better after listening the each sides opinions.

◆Questions from the audience

1. I think that it needs to good transportations for the safety and usefulness. However, there is not so many way to come, and in these situation, terrorism is a big problem. I want to ask more detail about security. (Pepper Gruber)

     Nakasy answered this question. He said that Japan is also island country, but there is no terrorism ever. So, he didn’t worry about that a lot, however, we need to prepare the countermeasures for terrorism. So, he prepare something for safety of Apollon.

2. Apollon’s security is not enough, but what exactly Apollon’s security level? How many police officer in Apollon? (Sow Lee)

     Sora and Anna answered this question. Sora said that frankly, she doesn’t know the clear number of police officer, however, she also doesn’t think the number is not enough. We need more stronger security.

     Anna said that she is also not sure how many police officer. She thinks that many prime ministers will come to Apollon, and when they come, they can bring guardians like SP.

3. There is a corona virus in the world, however, many people come to Apollon if G20 is held. What do you think about coming many people from other countries? (Qinglong Cai)

     Anna answered this question. She said that the summit will be held regardless of situation like you said, so we don’t worry about that.

4. I think that the local people may fell nervous about G20. Because it generates a warning of terrorism. What do you think about that? (Kingsley Maskerar)

     Anna answered this question. She said that we can limit the number of people like sightseeing, so only the people who engaged in summit can come in. After that, tourists can come in as usual.

5. You said that new facility will be build for G20, however, how can it use by citizens in usual? Or, it is a building just for G20? (Karen Arkin)

     Anna answered this question. She said that after the summit, the place is used for world wide events, and for citizens. There would be held some big events like G20.

6. It is not realistically about G20. However, it is important for Apollon. There are 5 groups in G20, which group the Apollon belongs to? (Robert Brown)

(Group 1: America, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia)

(Group 2: Russia, India, South Africa, Turkey)

(Group 3: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina)

(Group 4: England, France, Germany, Italy)

(Group 5: Japan, China, Korean, Indonesia)

     Alex answered this question. He said that Apollon is tropical island, so it is located in West Pacific and tropic. Apollon is in group 5.


They did not reach consensus.

< decision about Apollon >

The place of Apollon: West Pacific and tropic

The provisional position in G20: Group 5 (Japan, China, Korean, Indonesia)

Nakasy: stay agree

     He never changes his mind. 

Anna: stay agree

     She also thinks that she doesn’t change her mind. She thinks it is a big chance for Apollon.

Sora: stay disagree

     She thinks that we don’t have enough security systems, and it would be good if there are some good idea for security in detail. We need more discussion.

Mia: stay neutral

     She thinks that there are still many problems, so we need to discuss more.

◆My opinion

     I agree with this topic. I have two reasons. First, G20 is a chance to participate in world wide events. It has also dangerous aspects, however, it could be solved by many policemen and security system for entering Apollon. For example, physical inspection could be the early detection for terrorism. It detects not only weapon but also chemical one. It could be strong system, because there is not many entrance in Apollon. Second, it is easy for us not to join G20, however, we should try to join it for the future. We should protect Apollon, but also we need to think about something as a world problem. We are one of the world. Therefore, I think that we should be participate in G20. I also think that the disagree and neutral people said there is weaker security in Apollon, however, I want to know where is the weak point in detail. If we could know that, we can change the point stronger and we could make this topic more realizable.


Solar power in Apollon, Panel Discussion, Jan 21, 2021

 Panel discussion 11: Group solar power


Introducing solar power as a new energy source

◆Discussion member

Kingsley Maskerar / mask craftsman  ✳︎Moderator

Theodore Symons / dentist (former)

Davis Shan / high school teacher

Ethan Baird / F1 racer 

Scott Phillip / security guard


< Theodore Symons >  For

     He agrees with this topic. He has two reasons. First, he thinks that there are some advantages for environment. The solar power generation is lesser environment destruction. We use it just putting it on the roof. It is individual generation system, and easier to use it. Secondary, solar energy is one of the most reliability energy. Therefore, he thinks that the solar power system is good.

< Davis Shan >  For

     He agrees with this topic. He has three reasons. First, he thinks that sun light is no cost to use it, and anyone can use it for free. It could be cost reduction. Second, it doesn’t emission carbon dioxide. And every house has a roof, so it’s Maine for not only environment but also human. Third, it is good for not only environment but also former power company.

< Ethan Baird >  Against

     He disagrees with this topic. He thinks that there are a lot of resources in Apollon. However, the solar system takes the large land and it could be efficient for our environment. He thinks that it is problem for Apollon. Therefore, he thinks that making the solar power generation is not good for our land to keep our environment resources.

< Scott Phillip >  Against

     He disagrees with this topic. He has three reasons. First, it depends on the weather. If it is rainy or cloudy, it could not be driven. And more, there is a mountain the center of the Apollon. He thinks that it is also irregular for the shade. Second, it costs high to install. Third, it is difficult to build. Because it takes that the land needs a lot of space. Therefore, he suggest that ocean current power generation.

◆Questions from the audience

1. Currently, sustainability is important. I think that natural resources can’t supplement all energy like former electric system. If you use only solar power generation, we still need of primary energy. What do you think about that? (Pepper Gruber)

     Symon answered this question. He also said that the solar light is not enough. He thought that it uses one of the energy source. We have set a primary energy, solar can be used as secondary energy source. In the future, he thought that solar power system can be used as main system.

2. Disagree side said that the solar power generation has a problem. Could you tell me examples without weather? (Spenser Donald)

     Ethan answered this question. He said that his first concern is weather, however, it causes unsustainable electric offer. If there is a system on the roof, the direction of panel is different. So, reflection of light is my concerned problem.

3. You said that the solar panel runs by new clear company. However, they couldn’t how to run the solar power generation. How do you make it work? (Anna Plowman)

     Symon answered this question. He said that they don’t know even if how to make the nuclear plant. We could hire the engineer who know about solar system. And nobody knows anything about solar system at first.

4. In Japan, the solar panel is built by the owner who get the income of electricity. In Apollon, who will pay the cost to build it? (Mia Williams)

     Symon answered this question. He said that the owner of the house.

5. Symon said that the owner of the house should pay the cost, however, I think some of local people oppose to the plan. What do you think? (Alex Mcadams)

     Davis answered this question. He thought that those who have much money, who want to introduce it, and who don't have much time at home could put the solar system on their roof. if people don't want to do, they didn't need to build it.

6. I think both the ocean current power generation and the solar power should use at the same time. Instead of the nuclear plant, what can we do? (Alex Mcadams)

     Davis answered this question. He said that to use ocean is good as a main poer source in Apollon. And he thought that the solar power might be as a secondary generation.

     Symon also answered this question. He said that he thinks Davis' thought is good, and it could be sustainable energy.

7. There is a possibility to be attacked a solar system. Who will compensate the system? And how about making the fence around the panel to protect it? (John Smith)

     Symon answered this question. He said that it's the people who is the owner of the solar panel. And, it's a common incident, so we don't need to make a fence around the panel because of the obstruction of light.

8. Solar panel's work is individual, however, the ocean current power generation is runs in the central system, and it needs infrastructure. It means they need to pay the cost to get the electricity. What do you think about that? (Robert Brown)

     Scott answered this question. He said that we suggest to use hydro generation as a main power generation not the solar system.

     Ethan also answered this question. He said that it takes a cost at first, we could use the money from two years ago nuclear generation. if it can't cover the cost, we could ask the government to borrow the money. And we are going to return the money 50 years after beginning this system.

9. You said the owner who have money pay to build it, but I don't think many people have a lot of money. The number of solar panel is limited, and it couldn't cover the electricity of our lives. It couldn't be the secondary. What do you think about that? (Sora Swift)

     Symon answered this question. He said that the most important thing is introduce the solar power into Apollon. The limited number of user isn't a big problem. He thinks that the people who can have the solar will be increase. Because he thinks that the panel's cost will be lower by the system's update and the skill's improve. Therefore, he thinks that the number of user would be increase and the cost would be lower.


They are reached consensus.

Using the ocean current power generation as a main generation, and the solar power as a secondary one.


We should set other energy source. The solar system would be secondary. And set the ocean current power generation as a main generation is good.


He thinks that we can use Apollon sea. It would be good to use the ocean current power generation and the solar one.


Hydro generation as a main generation with the solar power as the secondary generation is good.


As they said, it's better to use hydro generation as a main generation, and the solar power used as secondary one.

◆My opinion

     I think that the using both of the generation system is good for Apollon. Because Apollon has a lot of nature, and we should protect them. The ocean current power generation is not so bad for the ocean's creature, and also the solar power is not so bad for the forests and animals. We have the nuclear generation systems, so if we use the system for the new two generation system, we could make it more efficient to use the electricity.


Group E, Panel Discussion, Jan 14, 2021

 Panel discussion 10: Group E (second time)


We should build a casino in Apollon

◆Discussion members

Theodore Symons / dentist (former)  ✳︎Moderator

Jordan Nakasy / Tutor

John Smith / singer

Anthony Davis / bodybuilder

Bob Johnson / police officer


< Jordan Nakasy >  AgainstAgainst

     He disagrees with this topic. He has three reasons. First, casino is a kind of gambling. The people who do it could not stop gambling, and they may borrow money from anywhere danger. Second, according to Macau’s tour guide, it increases there that the people who go bankrupt and the number of suicide case. Third, there is no good impression for many people. We couldn’t have prospects to build it.

< John Smith >  AgainstAgainst

     He disagrees with this topic. He has two reasons. First, if there is a casino in Apollon, some people lose the gamble and a lot of money. They could have the large amounts of debts by gambling. It’s dangerous. Second, the public security is too weak to protects Apollon’s inhabitants. Perhaps, gangsters or mafia come in Apollon.

< Anthony Davis >  ForFor

     He agrees with this topic. He has two reasons. First, casino will make Apollon’s economy enrich like Las Vegas and Macau. Many customers would come, and we have more employments and work. Second, if there is a legal casino, we could decline some illegal casino. The money would not go to bad people like gangsters or mafias.

< Bob Johnson >  ForFor

     He agrees with this topic. He has two reasons. First, he thinks a casino could hire a lot of people, and our economy could become enrich. He would take a casino tax, and it could be benefit for Apollon. Second, he could catch up with the cost to make a casino for five years. A casino tax is 30% tax, and when they gamble, they use the Apol, it’s benefit for us.

◆Questions from the audience

1. Bob said that he would take a 30% tax. However, if the government runs the casino, the tax is for government? It sounds weird. Do you think the casino would be succeeded to some company? (Alex Mcadams)

     Anthony answered this question. He said that private company run the casino. So, the tax goes to the private company.

2. The casino has a bad impression. Do you think the number of tourists increase? You mean the purpose of coming to Apollon change to gambling? (Spenser Donald)

     Bob answered this question. He thinks that the number of tourists would increase. Because the people who want to gamble. And he thinks that the purpose of tourists change to gambling.

3. Who will build the large building? Where is the money coming from? (Mia Williams)

     Anthony answered this question. He said that Apollon’s economy may rich, so the government can pay the cost to build it.

4. The tax is gathered from us inhabitants. I think many people feel it is bad to use the money like that. What do you think about that? And if there are any risks, do you think a casino should be built? (Mia Williams)

     Anthony answered this question. As you said, the cost is high and it is inhabitants money. However, if there is a casino, it would make a lot of money, and we could get more money than before. It is good for anyone. And we should build the casino, if there are any risks.

5. I think that illegal casino would not decrease if there is a legal casino. At the illegal casino, they are not only playing the game but also another illegal actions like organ trade. How do you think about that? (Kingsley Maskerar)

     Anthony answered this question. He said that we may not decline all of illegal casinos, but we can decline them a little. The people who want to game come to our legal casino, so we could suppress illegal casino.

6. In casino, the amounts of money is less than 500,000 Apol, there is no tax in casino, are you going to tax it? (Ethan Baird)

     Anthony answered this question. And he said Yes.

7. What do you think about the Apollon’s image change? And how about the lottery instead of gambling? (Gon Auden)

     Anthony answered this question. He said it doesn’t have strong effects. We need to gather tourists to develop tourism. Casino is not so much space, so we can protect our environment.

8. A casino is good for improving economy, but could you tell me another way? (Lily Swan)

     Nakasy said that Apollon succeeded in tourism, but we have already have many tourist and money, so we don’t need to develop our economy with many risks, I satisfied with now condition.

9. I think if we don’t use real money but chocolate or some toys instead of money, it is enjoyable enough. What do you think about that? (Theodore Symons)

     John answered this question. This is a good idea, but to bet money is very excited, and to bet chocolate is not enjoyable. A casino will be recession, it’s very worse.


They did not reach consensus.

Nakasy: stay disagree

     He can’t find any merits to make a casino, so he didn’t change his opinion.

John: stay disagree

     He thinks that making casino may enrich our economy, but public order will be not guaranteed.

Symons: disagree

     He thinks we should not make a casino.

Anthony: stay agree

     He thinks that casino tax is attractive, so he didn’t change his opinion.

Bob: stay agree

     He said that he likes gambling, so he didn’t change his opinion.

◆My opinion

     I disagree with this topic. I have two reasons. First, it is too dangerous to build a casino in our town. In Apollon, there is not so many strange person, however, some people who live steadily may go bankrupt and they will lost with no money, or more worse they would have a large amount of debts. Second, Apollon is already enrich by tourism. I feel that we should not make it. I also think that the number of tourists may decline due to the change of purpose and become dangerous if there is a casino. Therefore I disagree with this topic.

      If there are more reason that we should build the casino without the one of economy, the discussion would develop more. I think there is no stronger reason to make casino than the possibility of dangerous happening. In addition, there is no supplement to deal with the problem. The agree side should give the countermeasures.

G20 in Apollon, Panel Discussion, Jan 28, 2021

  Panel discussion 12: Final Group G20 ◆Topic  Apollon candidate for the host country of G20 or not < Before the discussion > There is...