
Group E, Panel Discussion, Jan 14, 2021

 Panel discussion 10: Group E (second time)


We should build a casino in Apollon

◆Discussion members

Theodore Symons / dentist (former)  ✳︎Moderator

Jordan Nakasy / Tutor

John Smith / singer

Anthony Davis / bodybuilder

Bob Johnson / police officer


< Jordan Nakasy >  AgainstAgainst

     He disagrees with this topic. He has three reasons. First, casino is a kind of gambling. The people who do it could not stop gambling, and they may borrow money from anywhere danger. Second, according to Macau’s tour guide, it increases there that the people who go bankrupt and the number of suicide case. Third, there is no good impression for many people. We couldn’t have prospects to build it.

< John Smith >  AgainstAgainst

     He disagrees with this topic. He has two reasons. First, if there is a casino in Apollon, some people lose the gamble and a lot of money. They could have the large amounts of debts by gambling. It’s dangerous. Second, the public security is too weak to protects Apollon’s inhabitants. Perhaps, gangsters or mafia come in Apollon.

< Anthony Davis >  ForFor

     He agrees with this topic. He has two reasons. First, casino will make Apollon’s economy enrich like Las Vegas and Macau. Many customers would come, and we have more employments and work. Second, if there is a legal casino, we could decline some illegal casino. The money would not go to bad people like gangsters or mafias.

< Bob Johnson >  ForFor

     He agrees with this topic. He has two reasons. First, he thinks a casino could hire a lot of people, and our economy could become enrich. He would take a casino tax, and it could be benefit for Apollon. Second, he could catch up with the cost to make a casino for five years. A casino tax is 30% tax, and when they gamble, they use the Apol, it’s benefit for us.

◆Questions from the audience

1. Bob said that he would take a 30% tax. However, if the government runs the casino, the tax is for government? It sounds weird. Do you think the casino would be succeeded to some company? (Alex Mcadams)

     Anthony answered this question. He said that private company run the casino. So, the tax goes to the private company.

2. The casino has a bad impression. Do you think the number of tourists increase? You mean the purpose of coming to Apollon change to gambling? (Spenser Donald)

     Bob answered this question. He thinks that the number of tourists would increase. Because the people who want to gamble. And he thinks that the purpose of tourists change to gambling.

3. Who will build the large building? Where is the money coming from? (Mia Williams)

     Anthony answered this question. He said that Apollon’s economy may rich, so the government can pay the cost to build it.

4. The tax is gathered from us inhabitants. I think many people feel it is bad to use the money like that. What do you think about that? And if there are any risks, do you think a casino should be built? (Mia Williams)

     Anthony answered this question. As you said, the cost is high and it is inhabitants money. However, if there is a casino, it would make a lot of money, and we could get more money than before. It is good for anyone. And we should build the casino, if there are any risks.

5. I think that illegal casino would not decrease if there is a legal casino. At the illegal casino, they are not only playing the game but also another illegal actions like organ trade. How do you think about that? (Kingsley Maskerar)

     Anthony answered this question. He said that we may not decline all of illegal casinos, but we can decline them a little. The people who want to game come to our legal casino, so we could suppress illegal casino.

6. In casino, the amounts of money is less than 500,000 Apol, there is no tax in casino, are you going to tax it? (Ethan Baird)

     Anthony answered this question. And he said Yes.

7. What do you think about the Apollon’s image change? And how about the lottery instead of gambling? (Gon Auden)

     Anthony answered this question. He said it doesn’t have strong effects. We need to gather tourists to develop tourism. Casino is not so much space, so we can protect our environment.

8. A casino is good for improving economy, but could you tell me another way? (Lily Swan)

     Nakasy said that Apollon succeeded in tourism, but we have already have many tourist and money, so we don’t need to develop our economy with many risks, I satisfied with now condition.

9. I think if we don’t use real money but chocolate or some toys instead of money, it is enjoyable enough. What do you think about that? (Theodore Symons)

     John answered this question. This is a good idea, but to bet money is very excited, and to bet chocolate is not enjoyable. A casino will be recession, it’s very worse.


They did not reach consensus.

Nakasy: stay disagree

     He can’t find any merits to make a casino, so he didn’t change his opinion.

John: stay disagree

     He thinks that making casino may enrich our economy, but public order will be not guaranteed.

Symons: disagree

     He thinks we should not make a casino.

Anthony: stay agree

     He thinks that casino tax is attractive, so he didn’t change his opinion.

Bob: stay agree

     He said that he likes gambling, so he didn’t change his opinion.

◆My opinion

     I disagree with this topic. I have two reasons. First, it is too dangerous to build a casino in our town. In Apollon, there is not so many strange person, however, some people who live steadily may go bankrupt and they will lost with no money, or more worse they would have a large amount of debts. Second, Apollon is already enrich by tourism. I feel that we should not make it. I also think that the number of tourists may decline due to the change of purpose and become dangerous if there is a casino. Therefore I disagree with this topic.

      If there are more reason that we should build the casino without the one of economy, the discussion would develop more. I think there is no stronger reason to make casino than the possibility of dangerous happening. In addition, there is no supplement to deal with the problem. The agree side should give the countermeasures.

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