
Group A, Panel discussion, October 15, 2020

Panel discussion 1: Group A


To build a ‘Study Cafe’ underground includes a study space and a free space

◆Discussion members

Davis Shan / High school teacher  ✳︎Moderator

Lily Swan / University student

Alex Mcadams / Unpopular singer

Chipp White (me) / Vet

Jane Fisher / Supermarket clerk


< Lily Swan > ForNeutral

     She agree with this idea. Because she can’t concentrate to study at home, and the cafe opens late night. She can use the cafe to study and she can eat something when she wants to eat. She thinks the cafe don’t need to build underground. Because it’s danger and the Apollon’s landscape is very beautiful. So, she thinks if the cafe is  build by natural resources like trees or flowers, the landscape won’t disturbed by the cafe.

< Alex Mcadams > ForFor

     She agree with this idea. She is an unpopular singer, so she wants to use the place to make some songs or lyrics eating or drinking something. She doesn’t like sunshine, so it is good for her to build it underground. She needs the space to focus on her songs. She thinks if the supermarket give some discount tickets of the cafe, it’s good for the supermarket and the cafe to gather customers.

< Chipp White > (me) NeutralAgainst

     I am neutral for this idea. Because if there is the cafe, I can use there for teaching Apollon’s animals. It may gather people like tourists and inhabitants, and I think we can talk about interesting points of animals at the cafe. On this point, I feel it it good to build the cafe. However, underground is a little dangerous, because Apollon is surrounded by the sea, and if a disaster occurs, it is difficult for the people to escape. Furthermore, if the cafe is built, it takes a lot of cost. I thought it’s hard thing. 

< Jane Fisher > AgainstNeutral

     She disagree with this idea. Because she is a supermarket clerk, and she is afraid of stealing the customer from her store by the cafe. She sell the coffee beans and coffee. She don’t want to build the cafe under the supermarket, because it may be disturbing the selling some products. It is difficult to admit the customers go away. She thinks the cafe is good, but she annoys about decreasing the earnings.

◆Questions from the audience

1. Why the cafe is built underground? (John Smith)

     Alex answered this question. She thinks the cafe will disturb the landscape of Apollon. So, to protect the beautiful view, we decided to build the cafe underground.

2. How does Chipp do the introduction of animals? (Spenser Donald)

     I answered this question. I will introduce about the typical animals of Apollon by the pictures or screen. So, I don’t bring some animals into the cafe. If I want to teach some animals with touching them, I will take people outside and give actual experiences.

3. How long do you think that the cafe runs business period? (Kingsley Maskerar)

     Alex answered this question. She thinks that it is forever. She also said that we don’t think about the span of running the cafe. 

4. Why do Jane think that to ulcer the cafe is not good? (Anna Plowman)

     Jane answered this question. If the cafe is built near the supermarket, she thinks it will be disturb the supermarket management.

5. I think the Apollon’s landscape is beautiful, so I think the cafe should build above the ground. How do Lily think about that? (Sora Swift)

     Lily answered this question. She thinks Sora’s idea is good. And she also thinks it will gather more tourists who want to see the beautiful view.

6. Who runs the cafe? (Robert Brown)

     Alex answered the question. She said that we don’t think about that. However, she is an unpopular singer, so she has few times and she can run the cafe. She also gather the money to build the cafe by cloud funding at Apollon. She just started her YouTube channel which has only three subscribers, but she can advertise this funding by herself. So, she will do that.

7. There is no university, so how do you go to the university, Lily? (Robert Brown)

     Lily answered this question. She use online to take some classes at Apollon. She also goes to another island’s university. 


We can’t reach the consensus. If Alex become famous, the cafe will be built.

◆My opinion

     At first, I think it is good to build the cafe at Apollon, but finally, I think it’s not good. Because, it takes too much cost to build underground and it may be hard to gather the money by cloud funding. There is not many advantages for building the cafe, and not many user in Apollon. I think there is no need definitely to build it. So, I disagree with this idea.

16 件のコメント:

Ayane Maruyama さんのコメント...

Good job your panel discussion and it was interesting! I thought it'll be more persuasive if you use powerpoint or some materials for showing viewers. Thanks!

Ayane Maruyama,

kaori さんのコメント...

Hi! This is Spenser. It was very interesting discussion and I like your idea. Since there are many animals in this island, it would be very nice to have a place to introduce them to everyone. Also, disaster is good view point when we talk about new buildings. Nice work again!

miyuakazuki さんのコメント...

I'm Jane Fisher. Main points of the members' thoughts are written very accurate and the explanation of your opinion and the change of it are so logical that I could understand well. Thank you.

Kana.K さんのコメント...

Hi, I’m Karen. I thought it would take too much money, too. Your idea was so logical, and it was easy to understand for everyone. Thank you!

Yuki's Sugar Blog さんのコメント...

Hi, I'm Alex. Chippppppppp. If I can build a cafe, please have a event that you introduce indigenous animals!!!!

sawa さんのコメント...

Hi! I'm Gon. I agree with your conclusion. Big problem is that there is no cost. If crowd funding is success and built the cafe, I want to go the cafe!

Yukito さんのコメント...

Hi! I'm John. If an earthquake occurs, it's as hard as fleeing a tsunami. I could know your opinion. Thank you!

Akane さんのコメント...

Hi, I'm Matilda. Your opinion was interesting! It was good point of view creating a place for people to communicate with each other. I think it would be even better if you added more details about the event. Thank you for your great job!

Hikari さんのコメント...

Hi, I'm Minnie. Your discussion was so interesting! Even you couldn't reach the consensus, but I think it's important to discuss this process. I enjoyed listening your wonderful discussion:)

hinako さんのコメント...

Hi, I'm Pepper Gruber.
Your minutes are very easy to read and I can see at a glance how each member's opinion has changed.
I would like to use them as a reference.
I think it's so great that you can change your mind by listening to everyone's opinions.
You did a great job! Thank you!

MIYU さんのコメント...

Hello. I'm Mia Williams.
Your opinion was always good. I think you were properly listening to the opinions of those around you and getting your own ideas. Thanks for a great discussion.

Nao Kubara さんのコメント...

Hi! I'm Sora Swift.
Your opinion is so clear that I can understand it!
However, I think it is better if you speak louder.
Good discussion! Thank you!

yura'blog さんのコメント...

Hello. I'm Anthony Davis.
I think that your opinion is very good.
Thank you for the great discussion.

Mayu Hamada さんのコメント...

Hello! I'm Lily Swan.
Your report is so nice! It is because that "for" "disagree" "neutral" are divided by colors. Your opinion was very nice, too. I'm sorry for I didn't read "manifesto " so much. Thank you.

Takako さんのコメント...

Hi, I'm Qinglong. The opinion of opening a terakoya in a cafe is very good. I think the children will be happy too. However, I think it's a much better experience to interact with the real thing than to use photographs. You can't do that at a cafe. The idea is interesting, so I think it would be nice to have a little more opinion unique to the cafe. Thank you.

momoharu さんのコメント...

Hi, I'm Juria Adams. Your idea is interesting for me. I can feel your loving animals. I will enjoy learning animals in this cafe. Thank you.

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