
Group E, Panel Discussion, Nov 12, 2020

 Panel discussion 5: Group E


We should make an airport

◆Discussion members

Jordan Nakasy / Tutor  ✳︎Moderator

Bob Johnson / police officer

John Smith / singer

Anthony Davis / bodybuilder

Theodore Symons / dentist (former)


< Bob Johnson >  AgainstAgainst

     He disagrees with this idea. He has two reasons. First, Apollon is a small island, so if there is a big airport, the environment will be destruction. An airplane emits carbon dioxides, or any exhaust gas. It is bad for atmosphere and any animals in Apollon. Second, when the airport is built, the people who live around the planned construction site will be annoyed by the noise. After the construction, the people are also annoyed from the noise of airplane.

< John Smith >  AgainstAgainst

     He disagrees with this idea. He has two reasons. First, the noise of engine is annoying for the people who live around the airport. It is not good for health. Second, it takes too much cost to build the airport. An airport needs to be safety, so we need a lot of carpenters and long time, so the profit to build it isn’t as same value as the disadvantage to do it.

< Anthony Davis >  ForAgainst

     He agrees with this idea. He has two reasons. First, Apollon’s main industry is tourism, so if there is an airport in Apollon, the more visitors will come. And the Apollon’s economy will develop. Second, if there is the airport, farmers can export row foods like seafood and vegetables. Furthermore, not only products, but also an emergency patient can be carried faster than ever to other countries.

< Theodore Symons >  ForFor

     He agrees with this idea. He has three reasons. First, the industry in Apollon will develop if there is an airport. The tourists can visit Apollon more than before. Second, it will make a lot of employments. And the economy will also develop. Third, it is good for agriculture. Because the farmers can export their products stay fresh. They can expand their trade area, and become a more big farmer.

◆Questions from the audience

1. You said that the airport will control the number of flights to decrease the environmental problem. What’s the effect for environment in detail? (Kingsley Maskerar)

     Davis and Symons answered this question. They said that an airplane has air pollution like CO2 will be emit. Forest and any other environment will be affected badly.

2. You said that the warranty isn’t your problem to think, however, you also said that you will restrict the number of flights. I think that it is also our problem to think. If it is the same as your remarks, you can’t decide the number of flights, too. It’s same problem with previous one, isn’t it? Is the employees’ issue company problem? (Pepper Gruber)

     Symons answered this question. He said that he knew that. However, we can’t think about that problems as an airplane company. So, we said like that as one of countermeasures.

3. You said that if we build the airport, it will be build at the coast. However, I think that there are also many animals and fishes at the coast. And Apollon is tourism company, so many people maybe enjoy to see the sea view. If there is an airport, the view will be spoiled by the building. What so you think about that? (Chipp White, me)

     Symons answered this question. He said that Okinawa has  an airport at the coast, and there is also one of tourism prefecture. So, it would be better to build it like Okinawa.

4. You said that the airplane company will take cost to build, however, there is no company in Apollon now. Why the company exist? (Alex Mcadams)

     Davis answered this question. He said that other country airline company want to build an airport in Apollon. Because Apollon is good land for tourism.

5. You said that there is less the number of flights at night because of the noise trouble. What’s the merit? (Pepper Gruber)

      Symons answered this question. As Anthony said, he said that Apollon is an attractive island, and the airport will increase the benefits of tourism. Even if we decrease the number of flights, it will be benefits to come some visitors covered only daily flight and oversea’s flight.

6. You said about noise problem, but I think it could be solved by developing sound proof forests or walls around the runway. What do you think? (Anna Plowman)

     John answered this question. He said that it’s good opinion. However, government in Apollon may want to keep costs low to build the airport and something about airports. So, he thought that it is difficult to adopt the sound proof objects like Anna said.


They didn’t reach consensus. Finally, we don’t make an airport.

Bob: stay disagree

     He thought that environmental problems are still not clear.

John: stay disagree

     He thought that there isn’t enough countermeasures in case of typhoon or disasters.

Anthony: change to disagree

     After listening some opinions, he changed to disagree. He realized environment is more important than developing any points of society.

Symons: stay agree

     He thought that there are still many problems, but there are also some profits to build an airport and perhaps, the profits is more than the loss.

◆My opinion

     I disagree with this idea. I think that making an airport is good, however, there are a lot of problems. First, we need to think about where the airport is built. If the airport is built once, the people who live near the airport will affect the emissions from the airplanes or maybe annoyed by the noise of flight. Perhaps, during the construction, the inhabitants may be annoyed, too. Second, it takes much cost and time to build the airport. When we build an airport, we should make it as strong and safety as we could. So, we should cost a lot for building and takes a lot time to guarantee the safety. In addition, I think that no one has enough money to construct an airport. Of course, I feel that if there is an airport, our lives become more useful and our business will be bigger than before. Even if that is true, I can’t say the idea is enough for building, and I suppose to need to think about it more deeply. Therefore, I disagree with this idea.

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